Welcome to our design studio...
Photography @ GabriellaBjersland | Words by HALM
...Head-Office, Design Studio, Showroom, Atelier... what to call it - World of HALM?!
One doesn't really work without the other for us - we are constantly inspired by our ever-changing surroundings, what we're immersed in, what we see, smell, eat, who we talk to, music we listen to... so when setting up 'shop' so to speak in D3, it was only natural that our new creative space became the combination of all things HALM... Welcome to pass by anytime! Always serious good coffee brewing and Swedish organic cookies.
"The most important feature to our Studio and Design Office is the everyday good feeling: part of the HALM core and spirit!"
Hanna Ransjo | CEO + Creative Director

To us its so important that we have a 'space' that is multifunctional, as well and really beautiful, expresses the HALM Feeling, brand, DNA, and way of thinking... all in one.
This combo results in a display of curated, special and bespoke elements, bought from talented local and international designers.
With a background in 5% luxury hotels, interior design, bespoke furniture design, and an everlasting interest for art and architecture and a passion for the combination of beautiful, unusual, practical and functional.
To read more, have a read Savoir Flair's take on our Studio.